The Adventures оf Tom Sawyer

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The Adventures оf Tom Sawyer

Адаптирана книга на английски език. Походяща за учащи със средно ниво - B1

This book is an adaptation of Mark Twain’s classic tale The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It has about 1400 headwords and is appropriate for low intermediate to intermediate learners. Tom
Sawyer is an iconic figure in American literature, and his adventures have fascinated millions of readers all over the world.

Mark Twain (1835–1910) is one of America’s best and most beloved writers, famous for his tales of boyhood like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

“There were people who believed that [Tom Sawyer] might some day become President of the United States, if he escaped hanging.” – From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
“There comes a time in every boy’s life when he wants to hunt for gold and silver that pirates have put deep in the earth.” – From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” – Mark Twain

Дата на издаване 04.2023
Език Английски
Размери 16,5 x 11,5 см
Брой страници 168
ISBN 978-954-641-171-6