To Build a Fire and Other Stories

To Build a Fire and Other Stories на супер цена
To Build a Fire and Other Stories на супер цена
To Build a Fire and Other Stories на супер цена
To Build a Fire and Other Stories на супер цена
To Build a Fire and Other Stories

Адаптирана книга на английски език. Походяща за учащи със средно ниво - B1

If you like stories about wilderness and survival full of adventures, check out Jack London`s To Build a Fire and Other Stories. This book has approximately 2,000 headwords and is appropriate for intermediate-level learners. The text has been adapted and simplified, but it keeps the ideas and flavor found in the original stories.

The book contains: An Odyssei of the North;

The law of life;

To the Man on the Trial; Love of Life;

The Wit of Porportuk;

To Build a Fire.

Дата на издаване 2019 г.
Език Английски
Брой страници 174
ISBN 9789546411112